Hälleflinta, probably from Uppland in a large half moon shaped cabochon. It has a flat polished back.

Retail-value approx: 450 SEK
Weight: 37,09 ct
Dimensions: 35.3 x 19.4 x 6.7 mm
Colour: Banded black, green and reddish brown
Clarity: Opaque
Origin: Sweden
Treatment: Untreated
Design: Half moon shaped cabochon, Flat polished back
Cutter: Daniel Andersson, SG Lapidary


Are you a goldsmith? Request price! Call +46 73 841 94 61. Or mail to: daniel.andersson@sglapidary.com



Hälleflinta 37 ct

  • Product Code: 50150
  • Availability: 1
  • 295.00kr

  • Ex Tax: 236.00kr

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