
Gearloose BATT™ Lap, Darkside™, Greenway™ and other popular user-friendly laps for cutting, pre-polish and polish. Battstik™, Diastik™ and Blakstik™ polish sticks for convenience and easy application of proper amount of polish.
Lightning Lap Probably the fastest laps for cutting and polishing on the market. Made of hi-tech composite material. BEAST Polish diamond paste syringe with organic base that is not only environment and skin friendly but also provides the lowest friction to minimize heat building up.
MagDop A genius centering tool for optimal doping. A true "must have" for all facetors.
Hi-Tech Diamond Diamond discs for smoothing and polishing of cabs. Diamond saw blades and carving tools.
Ultra Tec The no.1 manufacturer of faceting machines


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